Should You Do Hair or Makeup First?

Should You Do Hair or Makeup First?

The age-old question, “Should you do hair or makeup first?” plagues beauty routines everywhere. While there’s no single “correct” answer, understanding how your chosen styles might interact can significantly impact your final look. Let’s explore five key prep steps to consider before you dive into makeup application, followed by the hair vs. makeup debate!

Should You Do Hair or Makeup First?

1. Skincare Routine

Before diving into makeup application, it’s crucial to prioritize your skincare routine. Start by cleansing your face to remove any dirt, oil, or impurities. Follow up with toner to balance the skin’s pH levels and apply a hydrating moisturizer suitable for your skin type. This step creates a smooth, nourished canvas for makeup application and helps your products glide on effortlessly.

  • Prevents Breakouts: Cleansing and moisturizing your skin beforehand can help prevent clogged pores and breakouts caused by makeup residue.
  • Enhances Makeup Application: Properly hydrated skin provides a more even base for foundation and ensures a flawless finish.

2. Hair Styling

Next, tackle your hair styling routine before applying makeup. Whether you’re opting for sleek straight locks, voluminous curls, or an intricate updo, styling your hair first allows you to work without worrying about disrupting your makeup later on.

  • Efficiency: Styling your hair first saves time and prevents the need to reapply makeup if it gets smudged or displaced during hair styling.
  • Avoids Heat Damage: Heat styling tools can generate heat that may affect the longevity and appearance of your makeup, so styling your hair before applying makeup mitigates this risk.

3. Outfit Selection

Choosing your outfit before applying makeup helps you coordinate your overall look seamlessly. Consider the color palette, neckline, and style of your outfit to complement your makeup choices effectively.

  • Coordinated Look: Selecting your outfit first ensures that your makeup complements your clothing ensemble, creating a cohesive and polished appearance.
  • Prevents Makeup Mishaps: By avoiding potential clashes between your makeup and outfit, you can prevent last-minute adjustments that may disrupt your makeup application.

4. Eyebrow Grooming

If you include eyebrow grooming in your beauty routine, it’s best to do this before applying makeup. Tweeze, trim, or shape your eyebrows to achieve your desired look before reaching for your makeup brushes.

  • Precision: Grooming your eyebrows beforehand allows for precise shaping and definition without worrying about accidentally smudging or altering your makeup.
  • Cleaner Results: Neatly groomed eyebrows provide a clean frame for your eyes and enhance the overall appearance of your makeup.

5. Applying Primer

Once your skincare routine, hair styling, outfit selection, and eyebrow grooming are complete, it’s time to apply primer before diving into makeup application. Primer acts as a base for foundation, helping it adhere better and last longer throughout the day.

  • Prolongs Makeup Wear: Primer creates a smooth surface for makeup application and helps control oil production, resulting in longer-lasting makeup.
  • Minimizes Pores and Imperfections: Certain primers can blur the appearance of pores and fine lines, creating a flawless base for foundation and other makeup products.


Should You Do Hair or Makeup First?

Is It Good To Have A Makeup Routine?

Having a makeup routine can be beneficial for many individuals, but whether it’s “good” depends on various factors, including personal preferences, lifestyle, and skin health. Here’s a closer look at the advantages of maintaining a makeup routine:

1. Enhances Confidence:

  • Boosts Self-Esteem: For some people, applying makeup can enhance their confidence and self-esteem by highlighting their favorite features and providing a sense of empowerment.

2. Creative Expression:

  • Artistic Outlet: Makeup application allows individuals to express their creativity and experiment with different colors, textures, and techniques, serving as a form of artistic expression.

3. Professional Settings:

  • Professional Appearance: In certain professions or formal settings, a polished makeup look can contribute to a professional appearance, conveying competence and attention to detail.

4. Special Occasions:

  • Celebratory Events: Having a makeup routine is especially useful for special occasions such as weddings, parties, or performances, where individuals may desire a more glamorous or sophisticated look.

5. Daily Ritual:

  • Routine and Ritual: For many people, a makeup routine serves as a daily ritual that provides structure and a sense of normalcy in their daily lives, contributing to their overall well-being.

6. Skincare Benefits:

  • Sun Protection: Many makeup products, such as foundations and tinted moisturizers, contain SPF to protect the skin from sun damage, providing an additional layer of sun protection.

7. Self-Care:

  • Pampering Experience: Taking the time to care for oneself through a makeup routine can be a form of self-care, promoting relaxation and mindfulness amid the hustle and bustle of daily life.

Should You Do Hair or Makeup First?

Now, back to the main question: should you do hair or makeup first? In most cases, applying makeup before hair is the recommended approach. Here’s why:

  • Fall Out Control: Hair styling often involves products like hairspray, gel, or mousse. These products can easily fall onto your freshly applied makeup, smudging or ruining it. Doing your makeup first allows you to create a flawless base without worrying about hair product fallout.
  • Heat Hazard: Heat styling tools like curling irons or straighteners can melt or smudge makeup, especially around the hairline. Doing your makeup first ensures it stays put during the heat styling process.
  • Precision Perks: Applying makeup requires a steady hand and a clear view of your face. Doing your hair first can obscure your face with stray strands, making precise makeup application more challenging.

However, there are exceptions! Here are some instances where doing your hair first might be preferable:

  • Elaborate Updos: If you’re planning a complex updo, doing your hair first might make it easier to style and secure.
  • Heavy Makeup Application: For very dramatic or heavy makeup looks, you might be less concerned about hair product fallout.


Ultimately, the best way to determine whether should you do hair or makeup first is to experiment and see what works best for you and your chosen styles. With a little practice and the tips above, you’ll master the art of creating a flawless look, no matter which order you choose.

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